Logo showing a cloud presented as a tree


Make any cloud service with an API your backend!



The quickest option to experiment is to load all Madata modules from its own domain:

import Backend from "https://madata.dev/src/index.js";

This loads not only the Backend base class, but also every single official backend. madata.dev uses the Netlify CDN, so it should be pretty fast!

You could also use npm:

npm install madata --save


Every backend in Madata corresponds to a subclass of Backend. There are more specialized subclasses such as AuthBackend for backends that support any form of authentication, and OAuthBackend, offering convenience methods for OAuth 2 backends.

For every backend, there is a set of URL types that it supports. Most of the time, it is somewhat obvious what these URLs are for each service.

For example, Github supports URLs like https://github.com/username/repo/path/file.json, as well as https://github.com/username/repo/blob/main/path/file.js that you get by navigating to a file in the GitHub UI and copying the URL. Similarly, the Dropbox backend supports URLs like https://www.dropbox.com/s/5fsvey23bi0v8lf/myfile.json?dl=0 that you get by clicking "Share" on a file on the Dropbox UI.

When there is no "natural" URL for a service, we have invented one, using a custom protocol. For example, the Local backend uses URLs like local:key.

You can use Backend.from(url, options) to create an appropriate backend based on a URL. Because storage parameters are encoded in the URL, you could even expose it in your UI, and give end users a choice about where their data will be stored!

Each Backend object also implements an update() method which handles changing its associated storage location. To avoid re-creating backend objects when the storage URL changes, you can pass in previously created objects through the existing parameter:

let backend = Backend.from(url, {
	existing: [github, dropbox, gDrive]

Backend.from() then automatically handles calling update() if any of the backends passed are suitable, and will only create a new object if none are suitable.