Logo showing a cloud presented as a tree


Make any cloud service with an API your backend!

Madata Vue Component

Compatible with Vue 3.



Please note the following examples use Vue’s Options API by importing it directly from a CDN, however the component is just a regular Vue component, and it works with whatever setup you have.

Simple example (just data loading):

<div id="cats_simple">
	<ma-data v-model="cats" src="https://github.com/leaverou/mv-data/cats2.json"></ma-data>

	<article v-for="cat in cats">
		{{ cat.name }} is {{ cat.age }} years old

<script type=module>
	import { createApp } from "https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.esm-browser.js";
	import MaData from "./madata-vue.js";

		data() {
			return {
				"cats": []

		components: {
			"ma-data": MaData

Example with local storage:

<div id="local_storage">
	<ma-data v-model="info" src="local:profile"></ma-data>

	<label>Name: <input v-model="info.name"></label>
	<button @click="info.save()">Update</button>

<script type=module>
	import { createApp } from "https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.esm-browser.js";
	import MaData from "./madata-vue.js";

		data() {
			return {
				"info": {"name": "Lea Verou"}

		components: {
			"ma-data": MaData

More advanced example, showcasing authentication, storage, inProgress for feedback, passing options.

<div id="advanced_cats">
	<ma-data v-model="cats" :options="{allowForking: true}"

	<p>Progress: {{ cats.inProgress }}</p>

	<div v-if="cats.user">
		Logged in as {{ cats.user?.username }}
		<button @click="cats.save()">Save</button>
		<button @click="cats.logout()">Logout</button>
	<button v-else @click="cats.login()">Login</button>

	<article v-for="cat in cats">
		<input v-model="cat.name">
		<input type="number" v-model="cat.age">
		years old

<script type=module>
	import { createApp } from "https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.esm-browser.js";
	import MaData from "./madata-vue.js";

		data() {
			return {
				"cats": []

		components: {
			"ma-data": MaData

Also note that you can use inProgress to communicate what is happening to the user (it will be the empty string if nothing is happening)


Autosave calls save() when data changes. It can either be a time string like "3s", "500ms", or a boolean (the attribute simply being present sets it to true).

Example (using element storage so you can see the data):

<div id="autosave_countries">
	<ma-data v-model="countries" src="#data-countries" autosave="2s"></ma-data>

	<article v-for="country in countries">
		<label><input v-model="country.code" /></label>
		<label><input v-model="country.name" /></label>
	<button @click="countries.push({})">Add country</button>

<pre id="data-countries">
		"code": "us",
		"name": "United States"
		"code": "gb",
		"name": "United Kingdom"

<script type=module>
	import { createApp } from "https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.esm-browser.js";
	import MaData from "./madata-vue.js";

		data() {
			return {
				"countries": []

		components: {
			"ma-data": MaData

Avoid enabling autosave when you have a lot of data, as it can slow things down quite a lot! In those cases, you might be better off just using event delegation (monitoring input and change events at the root and saving then).

state object

By default, <ma-data> hangs a bunch of methods and accessors on the data object you pass through v-model. E.g. if the data is cats, you will be using cats.login() to login, cats.save() to save, cats.inProgress to display the current progress etc.

Even though these are not actually saved with the data, you may still wish to keep them separate. You can pass in another object through the state property for that:

<div id="state_object">
	<ma-data v-model="info" :state="state" src="local:profile"></ma-data>

	<label>Name: <input v-model="info.name"></label>
	<button @click="state.save()">Update</button>

<script type=module>
	import { createApp } from "https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.esm-browser.js";
	import MaData from "./madata-vue.js";

		data() {
			return {
				"info": {"name": "Lea Verou"},
				"state": {}

		components: {
			"ma-data": MaData

Please note you need to declare that object in your data and initialize it with an empty object, otherwise it will not work!