Logo showing a cloud presented as a tree


Make any cloud service with an API your backend!

Madata Authentication Widget

A barebones but highly customizable framework-agnostic web component to facilitate authentication for backends that require it.

<madata-auth id="gh_auth"></madata-auth>
<script type="module">
import Backend from "https://madata.dev/src/index.js";
let auth = document.querySelector("#gh_auth");
let backend = Backend.from("https://github.com/leaverou/mv-data");
auth.backend = backend;

Customization with slots:

<madata-auth id="gs_auth">
	Google Sheets:
	<button slot="login">Let me in!</button>
	<button slot="logout">Let me out!</button>
<script type="module">
import Backend from "https://madata.dev/src/index.js";
let auth = document.querySelector("#gs_auth");
let backend = Backend.from("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13SdiaC9YQ8PwrMNvtd8n8qRhh90aOq96hr4jUgt0Efg/edit#gid=0");
auth.backend = backend;