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Google Calendar

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Read events from public and private Google calendars.

Setting up

Share a calendar and use the provided URL when creating an instance of the backend.

URL format

Constructor options

You can customize how the plugin reads data from a calendar by passing the needed options to the backend constructor—the list of all supported options you can find in the documentation. You can also programmatically read which options are supported by accessing GoogleCalendar.supportedOptions.


The plugin will return an array of events from the specified calendar (by default 250 events but not more than 2500 events).

Every event has numerous properties, the most useful of which are the following:

Property Description
summary Title of the event.
description Description of the event.
location (Geographic) location of the event (as text).
start The (inclusive) start time of the event. For a recurring event, this is the start time of the first instance. Properties: date (if this is an all-day event), dateTime, timeZone.
end The (exclusive) end time of the event. For a recurring event, this is the end time of the first instance. Properties: date (if this is an all-day event), dateTime, timeZone.
attendees The attendees of the event. Every element of the collection has the following properties: email, displayName, responseStatus, etc.
creator The creator of the event with the following properties: email, displayName, etc.
organizer The organizer of the event with the following properties: email, displayName, etc. If the organizer is also an attendee, this is indicated with a separate element in the attendees collection with the organizer property set to true.
hangoutLink An absolute link to the Google Hangout associated with this event.
attachments File attachments for the event. Every element of the collection has the following properties: title, mimeType, fileUrl, etc.

The list of all supported properties (with description) you can find in the documentation.


Assume the calendar being read is the public calendar of official holidays in France with URL https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=fr.french%23holiday%40group.v.calendar.google.com.

import Backend from "https://madata.dev/src/index.js";

let backend = Backend.from("https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=fr.french%23holiday%40group.v.calendar.google.com",
  { singleEvents: true, orderBy: "startTime", maxResults: 15 });
let json = await backend.load();


In the console you'll see the first 15 events ordered by the start time. All recurring events will be expanded into instances (recurring events themselves won't be returned).

You can use orderBy: "startTime" only with the singleEvents: true option together.